Monday 29 July 2013

A head full of popcorn

Take a handful of popcorn corn, throw it into a frying pan and see it scatter.

Some of the corn will pop and settle.

Some will pop and fly out of the pan, forever lost down the back of the cooker.

Some will just smolder and burn and smell bad.

Some will stubbornly refuse to do anything, no matter how many times you try to cook them.

You can take a handful and enjoy it, but there will always be a few that taste funny or didn't pop properly.

That's how I would describe the way my brain works - I just have a head full of popcorn!

Introducing my IDEA-ism

I’ve been thinking about starting a blog for some time now.  As a published writer – it’s ‘the done thing’.

“Meh,” I thought.  I microblog on Facebook and Twitter (@TomCatDesigns) – what’s the point?

I am fascinated by so many things in the world around us.  The world is at our fingertips, but it’s a big place – so I need to be choosy.

I’m like this little thinking robot that lets off a puff of smoke when something interesting occurs.  Those clouds of smoke are ‘ideaism’.

Not IDEALism (although I am an Idealist who wants to live in some Gene Rodenberry inspired, non-judgemental Utopia) but IDEA-ism. 

This blog is about IDEAS: Inspiration. Muses. Whimsies. Daydreams. Random Acts of Creativity – call it what you will – But mostly, just enjoy it!


 Random Acts of Creativity

A year of being creative on the theme of books