I hosted a launch party for my debut novel, The Bronze Box (http://amzn.to/14MnFro) last night, which involved meeting in a great independent bar, Number 1 Harbourside, (http://no1harbourside.co.uk/) then on to a party boat around the harbour (http://www.numbersevenboattrips.co.uk/).
By being a bit cheeky - I took the opportunity to speak the Mayor of Bristol, George Ferguson.
At first he looked slightly bewildered - having been accosted in a bar by a blonde in a corset waving a novel at him - but when we got chatting I mentioned that the book was set between Bristol and Bulgaria and the connection to archeaology.
Had we not been in a crowded pub, with so much going on around us (and George's poor colleague from the Council stood on the sidelines, no doubt used to our Architect, turned Independent Mayor of Bristol's notoriety), we could have talked for ages about our mutual interests in archaeology and our experiences in Eastern Europe and Turkey.
As it was, I was swept up with my party and he was no doubt on his way to another engagement to promote our fabulous city of Bristol. We parted ways, with a peck on the cheek - but not before I got a photo opportunity and sold him a signed copy.
So here's to you Bristol (and to it's Mayor) - I hope he enjoys the book..
(...and George, if you're reading this - I'd really appreciate a review on Amazon once you get stuck into the book?)