Tuesday 27 August 2013

Laying on the drama

I follow a fascinating blog - Riskology - the science of risk taking.  Here it is;


(I like the design of it too - like a wild west wanted poster - it makes me smile.)

I'm picking up the thread of Tyler's article here and adding my own take to it...

I'm sure we can all think of at least someone in our lives who thrives on a crisis, who will find a drama in anything, no matter how insignificant it may seem to others.  Admit it, this might even be you.

We live our lives in a narrative at which we are the centre, we can't help it, it's in our DNA.  We see the world through our own unique gelatinous orbs, set into our fleshy faces that blinker us into a mindset we create for ourselves through nature, nurture and past experience.

But as we make our journey through the torrid sea that is our life, we can't help but draw in the people around us and be influenced by them.  Ultimately, humans are social creatures.

Have you ever realised just how much you feed off the 'vibes' other people send out?  

When you walk into a room full of people who are fed up, does it drag you into an invisible spiral of discontent?  

And when you are in a room full of smiling, happy people, does it lift your spirits and restore your faith in humanity?

Tyler offers some words of wisdom and I am adding two tips:

Velcro Monkeys 
These are those energy drainers in your life.  Those nay-Sayers and clingers who grasp at you and suck your positivity and once they take hold it's hard to pull them off...

...Avoid them!

Pay it forward
We cannot help but reflect back what we perceive.  Watch people's body language and see how they mirror each other.

Here's a little thing I get a kick out of doing:
When you are in a store, and need assistance, find the most miserable looking shop assistant and smile at them.  A deliberate, genuine smile.  See how often they smile back at you...

...go on - make someone smile today :)

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