Sunday 14 September 2014

Unleash the hermit and progressing towards publication

Another bumper crop of two weeks worth of tips and ideas for 

Operation Author: 365 Actions to Becoming  A Successful Author

I was on holiday in Bulgaria last week and didn't have access to the internet. There was something very freeing about dropping off the radar for a week. The world didn't end because I couldn't pick up emails or tweets!

My 14 actions are a bit of a blur so I'm going to round them up as two weeks of activities instead.

Our week abroad allowed me to embrace my inner hermit and use her as a force for creativity. 

That week, all of my actions were writing notes, ideas, bits for books and streams of consciousness. 

I wrote them on scraps of paper and coloured card and when I got back, I bound them together in a book made from fabric scraps:

My top tip from that week: 

Escape for a while and just write. Write anything and everything and don't self edit.

The only other action from that week;

While shopping for souvenirs I saw this awesome box that I had to buy. I plan to use it to lock a prize inside for the treasure hunt launch event that I'm planning.

This week, my seven actions have been:

Action 1: 
I've been giving some thought to what I'd like to do for my launch event for Solomon's Secrets.

I don't want to do the usual book launch where people mill around a book shop with a glass of wine, I want a proper party.

I originally wanted to use the crowdfund to raise money to run a spectacular event with music and actors and all sorts, but realistically, I'm going to go for something smaller scale and lower budget!

I made some notes while in Bulgaria that are now stitched up in the little book pictured.

My plan is:
Sometime in November, date TBC. We gather in the function room of one of the bars around the old town of Bristol UK. Everyone will get a set of clues leading them to 3 further watering holes in the vicinity. At each location will be a little box of keys. We split up and have an hour to visit the 3 locations. Everyone takes one key at each location and returns to base, therefore each person will have 3 keys and 3 chances at the prize. Whoever has the key to the box gets the prize inside. 

Action 2:
I've started writing out the plans in more detail for the Solomon's Secrets launch party.  I've been researching the history of some of the bars in that area and forming some clues for the treasure hunt.

Action 3:
I published a great guest post from Marla Madison this week:

Thanks Marla, you're a legend!
Action 4:
I've been spreading the word that I'm looking for other guest posts for this blog. I've started discussions on LinkedIn and tweeted writers, whose work interests me, directly to ask them. I now have a few emails to send out to willing participants

Action 5:
I had a telephone meeting for a feedback and advice session with the literary consultant that I sent sample chapters of Solomon's Secrets too, Lucy from Arc Editorial & Literary Consultancy in Bristol.

The key points on her report were about more character development in these early chapters and more description of the locations. 

Great advice and a really useful process. After this experience I'd never consider self publishing again without some professional support, especially after my first attempt with The Bronze Box.

Action 6:
I received the latest proof copy of Solomon's and I'm now working through it based on the advice from Lucy. I have a lot of work to do and will need to look at my schedule at work and book some time off so I can get this book out and ready by the end of October, which is my current planned timetable.

Action 7:
I published an update on the Fundsurfer page, briefing all my backers

I also emailed those who asked for a copy of The Bronze Box as a reward from the crowdfund. 

When we returned to work following our holiday in Bulgaria there was the beautiful sight of a great big box full of copies of the 2nd edition of The Bronze Box waiting for me.

Bonus little fact here that gave me a boost:

I did some research about the state of the publishing and book industry and found a really useful Cobweb Information factsheet  for novelists.

170,000 books were published in the UK in 2012 and this figure has risen since.

More that half of all the books published in the UK sell fewer than 200 copies. 

I've sold almost 900 copies of The Bronze Box, and that makes me happy.

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