Friday 29 July 2016

A Month of Writing

August is always a quiet time of year for work for me. 

Everything slows down for the holidays and it's hard to get anyone to come to anything that isn't child friendly or involves a beach or a park!

Last August I wrote 30,000 words in a month. I wrote a blog about it and called it a 'Mini-Na-No'.

I wrote most of the first draft of Gabriel's Game, Part 2: The Black Knight


I'll be doing the same again this August with my new project 'Finding The Scream' - but more than that, I'm designating August as my 'Month of Writing'.

Not only will I be bashing out a big chunk of the first draft of the next book, I'll also be writing more non-fiction and building up the library of content I keep promising myself I'll do.

When you're building a business it's easy to get sucked away from writing by so many other desctractions. 

In July I set myself a goal to do more networking but the price I paid for that was having less time to sit and write.

I'm often asked, 'How do you write a book?' and the best answer I can give to this question is 'one word after another' - just do it.

There are 2 things that need to happen if you want to write that book:

1) Build writing into your routine

Set aside time every day to write, even if it's just half an hour. The sooner you build up a regular writing habit, the better the words will flow over time.

The hardest part is making space in your diary and sticking to it. But once you get going, you'll soon find your rhythm.  

2) Bum in chair - write!

Whether you 'feel inspired' or not, just write; even if you have to 'free write' to clear your brain before you can access the good stuff - just write. Remember, no one has to see your embarrassing early attempts or minor self-indulgent rants.

The worst thing you ever write is better than the best thing you didn’t write! 

Undoubtedly, things will distract me and divert my attention in the next month, but for me, the most imporant thing I can do in August is:

Just write!

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