Friday 8 July 2016

18 Marketing Actions to Sell More Books

At the start of every month I set myself three goals to achieve. Every month the first goal on my list is: 

Sell more books

The vision for my business is to be able to live and work anywhere - that elusive location independence.

My long-term plan is to make enough passive income from selling fiction novels, non fiction books, business support services and other digital information products; but it takes time, even as a relatively prolific writer having published four novels in three years.

I'm trying to develop a habit of doing at least one marketing activity towards this goal every day.

I'm keeping a journal, and each day I make a note of the one action I've completed.

I'm sharing the activities completed in June, to inspire you with your own business, and also because sharing it means I'm accountable...

I started the journal part way through June and so far I have 18 activities on the list:

  1. Published a short story blog HERE 
  2. Left a mini manuscript at the Watershed
  3. Left a manuscript in Long Long Ashton 
  4. Left a manuscript in Boston Tea Party in Horfield
  5. Went to a free writing club
  6. Updated my Amazon sales tracking
  7. Started writing a blogging book 
  8. Updated my Amy C Fitzjohn Amazon Author Page 
  9. Created an Amy Morse Amazon Author Page 
  10. Shared my author pages on Facebook 
  11. Started Amy's Book VIP Facebook Group
  12. Updating the VIP group weekly
  13. Scheduled Tweets regularly about my books etc.
  14. Put a call out for guest bloggers (If you'd like to be my guest, Tweet me: @AmyMorse_Writer)
  15. Wrote two guest blogs, 1 has been published: '5 Ways to Unravel Your Story'
  16. Organised an interview with Radio Bristol - I'm on the Richard Lewis show on Wednesday 13th just after 12 noon - you don't have to be in the UK, you can listen online here:
  17. I'm in talks with Radio Oxford about an interview - waiting for them to get back to me with a date
Number 18 is the most exciting one...

I'm working with a film maker to create a book trailer for The Sheridan and Blake Adventure Series!

We've met a couple of times and Ros (who is trying to break into freelance film making, and I'm always keen to support a start up) has got some great ideas. So far, Ros is working up a story board and reading the books and I've put a call out for an actor to play Tom Sheridan and have a few guys lined up, and I've already got a friend of mine to play the part of Sasha Blake!

We're all excited about the project, I'll keep you posted on our progress! 

What marketing activities worked for you last month?

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