Monday 22 January 2018

Vision Boards, Woo Woo or Wow?

I don't buy into the notion that you can 'manifest' what you want, as if by magic. But, I do believe that if you know what you want to achieve, you have a 'vision', it gives you a bigger picture to strive for and something to focus on.

In a funny sort of way, the more you talk about something, think about it and are reminded of it - especially in a visual way - the more likely you are to achieve it.

It's in the forefront of your mind, even if only on a subconscious level, and therefore you're more likey to strive for it.

2017 was the first time I'd ever done a 'Vision Board' for my business, and although everything on there didn't come true, as such, it kept me focused.

What is a Vision Board?

It's a simple, visual way to capture the essence of your future goals. It can be written, it can be motivating words, pictures or a combination.

Personally, I love the experience of channelling my inner child by cutting and sticking a collage!

Here's my 2017 board. I had it stuck to the wall by desk.

Things that stick out for me, still, are...

"I can do this"

On reflection, all of these featured in my life last year. It was a year of change, of connection, of renewed confidence I was on the right path.

This year, feeling more settled in my business and with a clear plan ahead, the vison board I've created for 2018 has a reflective and creative quality to it.

"Go with the flow"
And the giant image of a book stand out the most for me.

Why Do It? 

I saw this great blog on the Watertight Marketing website. It nicely summarises eight reasons why you would want a vision board for your business.

In summary, the 8 things are:

  1. Synthesise your business and life goals
  2. Create emotional attachment to what you're building
  3. Get on the same page with leadership team
  4. Activate your selective attention
  5. Create a powerful motivation tool
  6. Use as part of your recruitment process
  7. Hold yourself accountable
  8. Create a bring forward list!

Personally, my favourite of these is 'activate your selective attention'. 

We're so busy in our lives and businesses we forget to stop, breathe, appreciate how far we've come and what we've achieved. When they are part of your vision you take notice when they happen! 

We can celebrate every small victory.

With that in mind, I was inspired by the suggestion on the Watertight Marketing blog of a 'Happy Memory Jar'. 

Whenever something on the vison board is achieved, make a note, pop it in the jar, then open it at the end of the year.

So here it is...

My jar!

(A great excuse to use some of my jounaling stickers!)

Less than a month into the year and I already have two things in it!

I look forward to opening this jar at the end of 2018 and seeing how far this year will take me! 

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