Saturday 12 April 2014

Seedlings, silliness, showcases and Solomon's Secrets

This week has been very bitty. It's been my first week of part time employment but with my new found free time I ended up spending the day with my brother for his birthday and it was a rare sunny April day in Bristol so I got out in the garden and potted up some seedlings. 

Satisfying and enjoyable activities but not especially productive!

My seven actions this week for Operation Author: 365 Actions to succeed as an author, have been small.

Action 1: I did some more real world networking and went to the Business Showcase Southwest where I handed out lots of business cards and chatted to a few people.

Action 2: I caught up with the Fundsurfer guys at the event and found out that I could start adding my crowdfunding pitch to the site without it going live. I'll be doing that and then arranging to meet them at the end of next week to go through my ideas.

Action 3: I've had the proof copies of Solomon's Secrets and I've finished my first read through and initial edit.

I know It's self indulgent, but it was a great read and I really enjoyed going through it with the eyes of reader.

The worst thing about being a writer is that with each new work, I reflect back and think how much better this book is than the last one. I imagine this will happen with each book I write in the future!

Action 4: I put a call out to anyone else who would like to be a beta reader and have been handing the books out to my volunteers. Thanks to Debbie, Dave, Graham and Jo.

Action 5: I'm going back through The Bronze Box with more experienced writers eyes now and re-editing it for a second edition.

Get the first edition while you still can, soon it will be limited edition -

Action 6: After joining Bristol Creatives last week, I have now updated my entry on the directory:

Action 7: I've registered with some freelance writing websites and need to work on a writing resume to upload.

How have you got on with online Freelance Writing job boards? 

Which would you recommend?

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