Wednesday 15 October 2014

Super Exciting Announcement and Hanging Out at the Post Office

This week my seven actions for...

Operation Author: 365 Actions to Becoming  A Successful Author

...are all about Solomon's Secrets

It's here! It's landed and available now on Amazon.


My first action was receiving a lovely big box of shiny new books in the post, ready to send out to everyone who pledged to the crowdfund.

My books! A beautiful thing...
My second action was to post an update on the Fundsurfer page telling everyone what to expect next:


The third action, following the announcement on the crowdfund page, was to start contacting all of my backers individually and finding out what they'd like me to write inside their books and where I should post them.

My fourth action was to get some thank you leaflets printed so that I could write a note to each of my backers to send out with their parcels.

I used Brunel One printers who's roof I can see from my back bedroom, they are that local!

I was really happy with the quick turnaround and good value for these leaflets and will definitely use them again.

Once I received responses from my backers, the next step was to pack the books up and take them to the post office.

Here's my first pile of books ready to post. 

I was queuing outside the local post office at 8:30am.

My fifth action has been to reduce the price of the Kindle version of my first book, The Bronze Box

It's now £1.99 on Amazon. Hopefully people who've been drawn to Solomon's Secrets will get the first book as well.

My last two actions are unrelated to the launch of Solomon's Secrets:

Firstly, my sixth action was to publish a really awesome guest blog by Anita MacCallum on personal branding.

Read it here:

Anita's creativity is infectious and her blog post gave me an idea - I've set up a 'vision board' on my Pinterest. I asked myself;

What's my 'brand' as an author? I write under different names so why not have another identity? How does Amy C Fitzjohn, Author present herself....? 

Here's what I've been pinning: 

My seventh action is to report back on the Books are my Bag event hosted by Southville Writers and Bristol Women Writers at Foyles on Saturday.

The fact that between us we managed to collect lots of local writers in one place was in itself an achievement, organising writers is a bit like herding cats!

It was a really good event in the end with writers reading out their work in a series of categories, including; fiction, poetry, non-fiction and flash fiction.

Here is the table of books for all the writers involved:

Because I'm published by Amazon I was banned from selling my books at the event :( so my job was to be the MC - Here I am on the stage with a microphone, conducting proceedings:

Have you been to any good readers/writers events recently?

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